020 3432 0452

020 3432 0452

Our business

Variety of beautiful garden gates

GateSet is the expansion of our highly successful business based in Hamburg/Germany. For more than 10 years we have been selling our entrance gates, garden gates, double wing gates, sliding gates, fence elements, industrial gates and suitable accessories both directly to private customers and business customers. Bypassing middlemen and long supply chains enables us to offer GateSet products at attractive and direct prices. We convince customers not only with our high-quality products, but also with professional advice on site.

GateSet operates in a constantly growing market and the creative minds of our team are always on the lookout for unusual, design-oriented and durable courtyard gate solutions for your property.

The first glance at a property is often not the house or the garden, but the entrance or driveway area of the house. Entrance or courtyard gates often determine the face of the property and give the viewer a first insight into the design of the property and its building. Are courtyard gates understood as part of the site design, the property and thus the overall design concept, or do they only serve the protective function of securing the values present there?

Nowadays, many landowners see the courtyard gate and the fence as an essential part of the exterior design of the property. In addition, real estate is considered an important part of public space design. All associated factors are constantly monitored by property owners with the aim of maintaining or increasing the value of their own property. Court gates as the face of the property are therefore a central point in the consideration of the property owner or user.

The direct, personal connection to our customers and their needs determine the product range as well as the monthly changing offers of attractive products for the life of the modern family. For more than 10 years, our employees have been dealing with the needs of our customers, their wishes to shape their happy lives at attractive prices.

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